Epic Your Mysterious Brain

The brain is an interesting topic that you must have read or heard about somewhere.But your brain is not only interesting but also Pay attention to the word ‘mysterious.’ Did you know that most people with bad handwriting are smarter than those with good handwriting? Also, you might not know that our brain keeps growing over time. Read this entire blog to understand our mysterious brain better.

Most people probably know that the brain is the most complex organ in the human body. There might be more neurons in our brain than the stars in the entire universe. And every second, billions of connections are being formed in real-time between these neurons, allowing you to think right now. Every person’s brain is different from another’s, but there are some things that are common in all. And this mystery exists in everyone’s brain. You know about the powers of the brain, but there are many mysteries about our brain that will amaze you. Your brain is not only powerful and interesting but also mysterious.

Out Of Sync

Out of sync is one of the biggest mysteries of the brain. If you look into it, you’ll find the fact that people with good handwriting usually have average intelligence because their brain and hand work at the same speed. On the other hand, those with bad handwriting are often smarter because their brain works much faster than their hand. Sounds strange, right? Now let’s look at the scientific reason behind this. When your brain works faster than your hand, the signal connection from the brain to the hand doesn’t function properly, and that’s why your handwriting becomes messy.

In simple terms, people whose brains work very fast often have bad handwriting because their brain works much faster than their hand and starts sending signals quickly. This is found in many people and remains a mystery today. Every part of the body is linked or synced, but in some people, the brain works much faster.


What are dreams? Why do they exist and how do they work? This remains a mystery in medical science. Dreams are the stories and images we experience while we sleep. Why is our body like this? If you don’t dream, you would die. Literally, it’s a fact that dreams are crucial for your survival. Many of you might think that you don’t dream, but the truth is you just forget your dreams. The fact that you are alive means you do dream, even if you rarely remember them.

According to a survey, most people forget 90% of their dream within 5 minutes of waking up. If you closely observe your dreams, you might wonder why they feel so realistic. It’s only when you wake up that you realize, ‘Oh, that was just a dream.’ But during the dream, it feels very real. Imagine if you never woke up from a dream; that dream would become your reality.

Is this life we consider real actually real, or is it just another dream? Imagine you’re reading my blog right now, and then you hear a voice behind you saying, ‘How long will you sleep? Wake up, it’s already late And then you wake up in another world and realize that the previous world was just a dream, and in this new world, there’s no search browser named Google. How would you feel? Of course, what I just told you is only a theory with very little chance of happening. It’s just a concept that could be used in movies. But this is our brain, my friend, and no one can say for sure what reality is. These are all theories that can send chills down your spine. A separate blog could be written on this topic alone.

Scientists only know that what you experience in real life is more likely to appear in your dreams. For example, if you like a girl, there’s a higher chance you’ll see her in your dreams. And it’s a fact that people who are blind from birth can’t see visual dreams.


Memories might sound simple when you think they are just stored in the brain, but it’s not that simple. There’s no specific place in the brain where memories are stored, and understanding how our brain remembers events remains a mystery. Why do we remember some events and not others? And how can we recall and visualize a scene in just one second, accessing it anytime and anywhere?

You might think the brain is like mobile storage, with a specific part where everything is stored. However, research shows that it’s not that simple. There are different types of memories, such as declarative and non-declarative. Declarative memory is used when you remember an image, while non-declarative memory is used when you perform tasks like typing or walking. There’s also short-term and long-term memory. Overall, the brain is so complex that it seems science may never fully understand it.

Scientists only know that memory comes from different parts of the brain, meaning memory is spread out all over the brain.
Let’s understand this with an example. When you’re driving a car, knowing how to use the steering wheel comes from one part of the brain, while understanding what traffic light signals mean comes from another part of the brain.

Recall the last event you remember, like the last time you went to school or college, or the last time you spent with your friends. When you think about that event or thing, neurons start firing all over your brain, similar to how they did during the original experience. The neural activity that happened in your brain at that time occurs again exactly the same way. This process is what you call remembering.

The more you think about something, the more deeply it gets ingrained in your brain. You’ve probably experienced this yourself. But do you know why it becomes ingrained? It’s because the same neurons keep firing repeatedly, and it becomes easier for the brain to perform that neuron firing pattern.

Structural Plasticity

Earlier, scientists believed that a person’s brain remains the same throughout their life once they reach the age of 18. However, as medical science progressed, it became clear that the human brain changes over time and with experience. This phenomenon is known as structural plasticity.

Negative thinking can cause many parts of the brain to shrink or become smaller in most people. On the other hand, those who are more happy and positive have those same parts become more active and even grow larger. This fact highlights the importance of staying happy.


Reality is one of the most amazing aspects of the brain. Your brain cannot distinguish between reality and imagination, or between the external world and the internal world of your mind. For your brain, they are the same thing. As I mentioned in the memory section, when we remember something, the same neurons fire as during the original experience. So, you can understand that for our brain, an actual event and an imaginary event are the same because the same kind of neurons are firing in both cases.The most amazing thing is that many scientific studies have shown that reality is actually created by your brain.

Your brain never rests

Did you know that while your entire body is resting during sleep, your brain is still awake and working? When the brain stops functioning, it is called death. No matter how deep your sleep is, your subconscious mind is always awake, and it is responsible for showing you dreams.

Phantom Limbs

Phantom limbs are a very unique and interesting phenomenon. People who have lost a limb or any part of their body due to an accident, or were born without a certain part, often feel as if that part is still there. Imagine how fascinating it is that even if a part of the body doesn’t exist, the brain can still provide sensation for it. Does the brain really have that much power?

You Can Change Your Brain

You already know that your brain can increase and decrease in size, but did you know that you can also change its main features, like memory power and intelligence? These things are not fixed. It was once believed that a person couldn’t enhance the power or features of their brain. However, as medical science advances, it has become clear that brain features can be significantly improved.

If we refer to Hindu mythology, it was written thousands of years ago that your brain has incredible powers that you just need to unlock, potentially making you the most powerful person in the world. An entire blog can be written on this topic. If you want to read it, please comment so I can start the research.

I hope you enjoyed this article. How do you feel after learning about the mysterious aspects of your brain? Let me know in the comments. You can also suggest topics you’d like to read about in future articles. Thank you very much!